watch-together / 61c9f25
fix style Seva Luchianov 4 years ago
3 changed file(s) with 13 addition(s) and 14 deletion(s). Raw diff Collapse all Expand all
0 const fs = require('fs');
10 const path = require('path');
21 const utils = require('../utils');
32 const date = require('../utils/date');
43 const watchrooms = require('../utils/watchrooms');
54 const rimraf = require("rimraf");
7 // Aref Ruqaa
8 // Average Sans
9 // Electrolize
10 // Geo
11 // Gidugu
12 // Gochi Hand
13 // Ruda
14 // Sansita
166 function createHandler(command, handler) {
177 return function(ws, user_id, data) {
440440 .custom-subtitle-upload {
441441 display: inline-block;
442 cursor: pointer;
442443 }
444445 .custom-subtitle-upload:hover {
104104 `<span>Expires On <span class="video-entry-expires">
105105 ${utils.format_time(video.expires)}
106106 </span></span>`, $(
107 `<span class="video-entry-option" id="subtitle-upload-option">
108 <label for="subtitle-upload" class="custom-subtitle-upload">upload subtitles</label>
109 <input type="file" id="subtitle-upload" name="subtitle" accept=".srt">
110 </span>`
107 `<span
108 class="video-entry-option"
109 id="subtitle-upload-option"
110 ><label
111 for="subtitle-upload"
112 class="custom-subtitle-upload"
113 >upload subtitles</label><input
114 type="file"
115 id="subtitle-upload"
116 name="subtitle"
117 accept=".srt"
118 ></span>`
111119 ).click(function(event) {
112120 event.stopPropagation();
113121 }).on("change", function(event) {