smart-home-server / master server / utils / actions.js

Tree @master (Download .tar.gz)

actions.js @masterraw · history · blame

const utils = require('.');

let actions = {
    generic: []

module.exports = {
    trigger: function(invoke) {
        Invoke callback to trigger action
    action: function () {
        Invoked when trigger invokes callback.
        Return true for single time action, or false for permanent action
    options: {
        type: set type of action. Used to group multiple action checks
        id: override action id to reference explicitly throughout codebase
        delete: bool to delete an action. type and id cannot be undefined
    register: function(trigger, action, options) {
        options = options || {};

        let type = options.type || "generic";
        if (!actions[type]) {
            actions[type] = {};
        let id = options.id || utils.uuid();

        if (actions[type][id]) {
            if (options.delete) {
                delete actions[type][id];
                console.log(`Action "${id}" for ${type} deleted`);
            } else {
                console.log(`Action "${id}" for ${type} overriden`);
        } else {
            console.log(`New action "${id}" registered for ${type}`);

        actions[type][id] = function() {
            trigger(function() {
                console.log(`Action "${id}" invoked`);
                if (action()) {
                    console.log(`Delete single time action "${id}"`);
                    delete actions[type][id];

        return {
            type: type,
            id: id
    check: function(type, id) {
        if (!actions[type]) {
            console.log(`No actions registered for ${type}`);

        if (id) {
            console.log(`Check command "${id}" for ${type}`);
        } else {
            console.log(`Check commands for ${type}`);
            Object.entries(actions[type]).forEach(function([id, command]) {
                console.log(`Check command "${id}"`);